Welcome to the Website of the international Research Network on
“Military, War and Gender/Diversity / Militär, Krieg und Geschlecht/Diversität” (MKGD)
This website is intended to provide a virtual platform for the international research network on Military, War and Gender/Diversity / Militär, Krieg und Geschlecht/Diversität (MKGD), which was founded on March 11 2024, that not only serves to provide information about the activities of the research network, but is also intended to provide broader information about the field of research. Over thirty researchers from various disciplines from universities and institutions of eight countries joined the research network so far as cooperation partners. One of them is the Bundeswehr Centre for Military History and Social Sciences (Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr, ZMSBw).
The aim of the research network is to systematically promote the research approach and subject of gender/diversity, military, violence and war through intensive collaboration. The research network is intended to contribute to better networking and regular exchange between experts working in this field from various disciplines, to systematically promote young researchers and to develop targeted joint research projects that address important research desiderata in this area.
In addition to this website, the research network includes a mailing list linked to the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, an online research colloquium that started in April 2024 and will regularly comprise four events in the summer and winter term. The topic in the winter semester 2024-25 is “Military, War and Gender/Diversity: State of Research and Research Problems”. The presentations are either in English or German and will be announced accordingly. Recently a group of younger scholars started under the MKGD umbrella an Early Career Initiative for Masters’ students, PhD candidates, recent PhDs, and PostDocs who are working in this field.
In addition, we organize an annual international MKGD-ZMSBw conference together with cooperation partners.The first MKGD-ZMSBw conference will take place on the topic “Gender and Violence in Colonial Wars, Colonial Rule and Anti-colonial Liberation Struggles” on Thursday and Friday, 30 and 31 January 2025 at the ZMSBw in Potsdam. More information about the program of the conference and the registration you will find here
If you are interested to be included in the MKGD mailing list or want to become a cooperation partner please write to: mkgd.forschungsverbund@gmail.com
For flyer on the MKGD Research Network in English here
Research Network Military, War and Gender/Diversity (MKGD) / Bundeswehr Centre of Military History and Social Sciences (ZMSBw)
Sponsored by the University of the Bundeswehr Munich and the Paris Lodron University Salzburg
First international MKGD-ZMSBw Conference
Gender and Violence in Colonial Wars, Colonial Rule and Anti-colonial Liberation Struggles
Thursday and Friday, January 30 and 31, 2025
At the ZMSBw, Zeppelinstraße 127/128, 14471 Potsdam
Thursday, January 30, 2025, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Gender in Anticolonial Conflicts: The Example of the Algerian War
The Keynote is open for the public, the participation is free of charge.
For the conference participation a registration is necessary.
The registration form you will find here
For a program of the conference click here
More information on the conference your will also find here
The MKGD Online Research Colloquium in the Winter Term 2024-2005
Topic “Military, War and Gender/Diversity: State of Research and Research Problems”
Next event:
Monday, February 17, 2025, 4:00-6:00 pm (CET) (Zoom Seminar)
Presentation by PD. Dr.EVA HERSCHINGER (University of the Bundeswehr Munich)
on the theme
Male, Female, Radicalized?
The Interplay of Gender, Radicalization and Terrorism
(Presentation in English)
Although not in the same numbers, women have been involved in terrorism for as long as men. Yet the male terrorist has long been the focus of research on terrorism. The tide began to turn when the so-called Islamic State attracted women on an unprecedented scale and research focused on women’s motivations for joining terrorist groups. Despite this, the presentation argues that a true gender perspective is still lacking – one that reflects on how constructions of femininity and masculinity shape radicalisation and terrorism, and how the gender order of terrorist organisations responds to and builds on these constructions and roles. The presentation develops a gender-sensitive perspective on radicalisation and terrorism, which is needed not only for research, but also for prevention and countering radicalisation and terrorism.
Eva Herschinger is Privatdozentin and Head of the Research Programme “Security and Intelligence” at the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies (CISS) at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. Her most recent work theorizes the role of gender in terrorism, violent extremism and radicalization.
Moderation: Apl. Prof. Dr. Béatrice Hendrich (University of Cologne)
“Diversity in the Army: ‘Combat is still seen as a Man’s Job’”
Süddeutsche Zeitung Online, May 3, 2024 (in German)