Online Resources on Military, War and Gender
Next to the Online Resources below, we provide here a Bibliographie with Selected Literature on “Military, War and Gender”.
This selection is a mixture of important mostly English and some German theoretical end methodological texts and a small number of monographs, anthologies and journal articles. It is supposed to help students and scholars interested in the subject to familiarize themselves with the development of the research.
1914-1918: Online International Encyclopedia of the First World War
Since 2011, the international joint project “1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War” has been developing an English-language virtual reference work on the First World War. Published in October 2014, the online encyclopaedia is the result of an international joint project that provides a multi-perspective, publicly accessible knowledge base on the First World War. “1914-1918-online” is an important project in the context of the open access paradigm, as it promotes the free and unlimited distribution of content to individual users, search engines and reference services. The project was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It was carried out by the Department of Modern History at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute of Freie Universität Berlin (FMI) in cooperation with the Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS) and the Bavarian State Library (BSB) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Oliver Janz (FUB).
Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights Research Hub
The Consortium’s work aims to use knowledge about gender and security to end armed conflict and contribute to sustainable international peace. It is affiliated with the University of Massachusetts Boston and aims to promote the development of new knowledge on gender, armed conflict and security while bridging the gap between academic researchers and policy makers. To this end, it offers extensive bibliographic resources.
Selected Bibliography “Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict “
Over the past forty years, a vibrant interdisciplinary research landscape has developed that explores the complexities of sexual violence in armed conflict. The selected bibliography of the International Research Group “Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict” (SVAC), which is affiliated with the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, represents a unique selection of this research. The collection, which is coordinated by Regina Mühlhäuser, is constantly updated and currently comprises around 2,500 books, articles and selected NGO reports, mainly in English and to a much lesser extent also in German. In addition to current work in this field, this selective bibliography documents knowledge production since the 1970s.
GWonline. Bibliography, Filmography and Webography Gender and War since 1600
The Digital Humanities Project GWonline has been collecting and organizing secondary literature, autobiographies of women, feature films and documentaries as well as websites with primary documents on gender, military and war in order to make them accessible to the public since 2013. With more than 9,000 carefully curated entries, GWonline is a helpful resource that informs students, teachers and researchers about the state of research. The languages of the pu blications, films and source collections are English, German, French and Spanish. All entries contain abstracts and keywords. Material in English for teaching and learning is recommended for seven selected conflicts. In addition to the full-text search, users can explore the collection via several entry points: Author:in or director:in, publication or release date, collection (secondary literature, autobiographies of women, feature films and documentaries, and websites with primary documents), wars, countries and regions, or keywords.
GWonline is affiliated with the University of North Carolina at Chapel and was created in cooperation with the UNC History Department, the UNC Library, the UNC Curriculum in Peace, War and Defense and UNC IT Research Computing under the direction of Karen Hagemann. The database was created between fall 2013 and summer 2021 by a team of graduate and undergraduate students. GWonline is linked to the Oxford Handbook of Gender, War, and the Western World since 1600, edited by Karen Hagemann, Stefan Dudink and Sonya A. Rose (Oxford University Press, 2020) and was awarded the Society for Military History ‘s Distinguished Book Award in 2022. GWonline also enables a literature search by handbook chapter. Since 2023, GWonline is no longer updated as the funding has expired. (PDF)