MKGD Online Research Colloquium
The online research colloquium of the Research Network on Military, War and Gender/Diversity (MKGD) is based at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich and aims to promote the networking of researchers in German-speaking, European and transatlantic countries and to create a cross-border virtual space for regular intellectual exchange on this important research topic. Advanced doctoral students will be invited as speakers and co-discussants, as well as experienced national and international experts. The languages of presentation and discussion will be German and English.
Four colloquia are planned for both the summer and winter semesters in various formats including lectures, roundtable-discussions on current research issues and book discussions on important new publications. Selected contributions will be recorded and presented online as podcasts on the MKGD website.
Scholars who are interested in presenting at the MKGD Online Research Colloquium or organizing a roundtable discussion or book talk are cordially invited to contact the organizers.
Prof. Dr. Isabelle Deflers
Professor of Early Modern History at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Department of History, Germany
PD Dr. Anke Fischer-Kattner
Research Associate in Early Modern History, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Department of History, Germany
Prof. Dr. Karen Hagemann
James G. Kenan Distinguished Professor of History and Adjunct Professor of the Curriculum in Peace, War, and Defense at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of History, United States
Prof. Dr. Isabelle Heinemann
Professor of Contemporaryr History at the University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Germany
Dr. Jasper Heinzen
Senior Lecturer in Modern History at the University of York, Department of History, United Kingdom
Zoom Administrator:
Stephan Friedrich Mai
Research Assistant at the Chair of Early Modern History, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Department of History